Lesko Help members receive honest and personalized financial advice to navigating the hundreds of available government grants.
Plans start at $8.30/month. Cancel anytime.
Membership billed 
3 Months for $39.90
Membership billed 
every 3 months
6 Months for $59.90
Membership billed 
every 6 months
1 year for $99.90
Membership billed 
Membership billed monthly
3 Months for $39.90
Membership billed 
every 3 months
6 Months for $59.90
Membership billed 
every 6 months
1 year for $99.90
Membership billed annually
$19.90 Monthly...
Cancel Any Time
Membership billed monthly and cancelable anytime. Today's Total = $19.95
$39.90 for 3 Months ($13.30/Monthly)
Membership billed every 3 monthly and cancelable anytime. Today's Total = $39.90
$59.90 for 6 Months ($9.98/Monthly)
Membership billed every 6 months and cancelable anytime. Today's Total = $59.90
Reasons You’ll Love Lesko Help
  •  All the research is done for you. Save time and energy searching for the right programs
  •  The resources you receive are only sites that GIVE you money, not take your money
  •  There’s no confusing government jargon. You’ll have clear directions to start applying for grants
  •  Applying for these grants is easy! Many applications are 2-3 pages of fill-in-the-blanks
Copyright © 2022 - Matthew Lesko