I give out $55,000 throughout every month.
These are all the giveaways I do:
4th of Every Month: $20,000 On The 4th To Solve Any Problem!
15th of Every Month: $15,000 On The 15th To Fix Your Car!
20th of Every Month: $20,000 On The 20th For Rent/Mortgage
30th of Every Month: Free Laptops On The 30th To Make Getting Grants Easy!
You can find the applications inside Lesko Help as soon as you join.
And they're all super short.
(take less then 3 minutes)
You just have to write me a few sentences letting me know why you need the money.
Then my team and I will review all the applications, and give out the money based on who we think could benefit the most from it.
I give out anywhere from $500 to $1,000 per person - and I'll send it directly to your bank, PayPal or in a cheque.
Whatever's easiest!
With multiple giveaways every month - there's always another giveaway around the corner.
And you can keep applying until you get the money (as long as you're still a member).
I suggest you join now so you don't miss the next one.