In 2024 The Government's Giving Out An Average of $17,202 Per Person - Here's How To Get Your Share!

PLUS THIS MONTH I'm giving away $75,000 of MY OWN GRANTS to Lesko Help Members

So you could get $500 - $1,000 just for joining today!

On this page, you’ll discover how to get your share of government money...

Thanks to a breakthrough toolkit called "Lesko Help"!

With Lesko Help, you can get access to the secrets, resources and personal advice...

That thousands of people are using to easily find grants they're eligible for!

Plus, I give away over $75,000 to Lesko Help Members every single month.

So you could get $500 or $1,000 in your pocket - just for being a member.

The next grant giveaway is on October 20th, so join now to guarantee you make it in time.

Now, keep reading to learn how Lesko Help will let you open the door to a whole new life today. 

You’ll find details on how to get started further down the page.

HURRY! Your chance to join my $20,000 Grant Giveaway ends in:


Free Money Starts Here!

Dear Fellow American,

My name's Matthew Lesko.

Today, I’m known as America’s #1 grant expert and I’ve shown millions of American’s just like you how to...

Take their next big step in life, pull themselves out of debt and regain hope for the future…
All on the government’s dime!

And now they're using the free-money toolkit I’m going to share with you today…

✅ To get personal advice from me directly

✅ Easily find grants they’re eligible for

✅ And get the money they're entitled to!

And they’re doing it without a grant writer...

Without banging on doors...

And without filling out 50 page applications!

On top of all that, this is FREE money you don’t have to pay back!

Free money to help you start a business, go back to school, pay your bills and more...

So you can live your life on your terms!

It doesn't matter what your income level is, what state you’re in, or what you need the money for…

There's $17,202 available for the average American in 2024!

Here's data directly from the US government for "payments to individuals"

In 2024 it'll be 4.4 trillion.

That comes out to $17,202 for the average adult in America!
Data Source:
Now, this is an average.

Some people get less... and some get more.

But if you keep reading, I'll help you find your share.
Just like Vickie Walker who I helped get $5,650 towards paying her rent…

Giving her time to breathe a sigh of relief and get her life back on track.

Or Lill Gravatt who made one phone call and got $1,000!
Or Kyle Thrower who got $10,000 to build his business!
The list goes on and on. 

With what I’m about to show you…

You’ll be able to find every grant out there for your situation - and grab what’s rightfully yours!

Because Americans should NOT be:
  • Losing their homes
  • Drowning in debt
  • Buried in bills
  • ​Or be forced to put their hopes and dreams aside
When there’s money out there to help you END these situations for good!

And I should know...

I’ve been studying this stuff for over 40 years…

And in a moment…

I’ll reveal the shady government secret I discovered that keeps grants hidden...

Then I'll let you in on how I helped millions of people bypass this sneaky trick...

And I'll show you how you can easily flip the script today…
And find thousands in government grants…

Without even leaving your couch! 

But bear with me…

Because the secret holding you back from finding the grants you need…

Dates all the way back to 1981!

Believe it or not, before the question mark suit…

I was a software developer consulting for fortune 500 companies.

They knew the government was handing out money and they wanted their cut (who wouldn't!)…

But getting grants can be so confusing…

Even the world's biggest companies have no idea what they’re eligible for...

And have no clue how to find it!

So because I live in Washington D.C…

I’d run all over town…

Rifle through database after database...

Bang on government officials doors until the hinges started to give way...

Fill a bucket to the brim with free money programs…

And deliver them on a golden platter to the CEO’s.

I was their secret weapon because… 

I was helping line their pockets with even more cash - and they didn’t have to lift a finger

But it always left a pit in my stomach.

Because these CEO’s were already stupidly rich - and I was helping them get EVEN richer.

All while people around me felt trapped...

Worried they wouldn't be able to make ends meet this month...

Or that they'd open their mailbox to a bill with a big red stamp saying...


It felt like life was passing them by...

Like everyone else was doing fine...

But they just couldn't catch a break. 
And considering there's $3.75 BILLION in financial aid that's unclaimed every year...

It's safe to say these people who needed free money...

Simply weren't finding it!

And I don't blame them...

Because when I was working for these CEO's...

I discovered the shady government secret that stops most people from getting their free money

If you ask me...

It’s almost like the government doesn’t want you to find the money they give out! 

See, they’ll release a federal grant program…

But they make the name of it COMPLETELY DIFFERENT...

On the state AND city level!

And then change them AGAIN from state to state!

The kicker is, most of the applications are local…
Which is why you might find something on but…

No matter how many times you search the federal program name…

The application will never come up!

And to make things even more confusing...

They spread these grants out across tons of different websites and offices...

With names that make it totally unclear who it’s even for.

Like take a look at this… 

They have a program called the "Urban Homesteading Program" but it’s really a way to get homes for $1!

But how were you supposed to know that if I didn’t tell you!?

Now the thing is, as hard as the government makes it for you…

The money is out there… 

An average of $17,202 per person!

(remember, this is an average... but that's still a lot of money!)


Once you know where to find it - getting the money you're eligible for is easy!

Keep reading, because in a moment I'll tell you how.

See, the thing is...

I knew how to find all these grants…

So once I gave one to a money-hungry CEO…

Getting approved was the easy part...

Because it was money they were already eligible for!

All they had to do was apply and the money was theirs. 

And the same goes for you.
If you had a simple way to find the grants you're eligible for…

All you’d have to do is fill out a short application...

And you could literally have money handed to you!

Money that can open door after door of opportunity…

From getting yourself out of a bad situation...

To taking that next big step in your life...

Or just enjoying your time with friends and family…

(without your mind racing with financial anxiety)
Getting a grant could completely change your life overnight.

But most people that need them… 

Don’t have the $10,000 that CEO's were paying me to find it!

So I came up with a plan to help you get yours...

I'd been burying my nose in grants for years…

So whenever these lazy CEO’s asked me for one…

I’d just go pick it out, and hand it to them.

And because I was researching so much, I had...
  • The programs available for any situation
  • ​What they're named at the state and city level
  • Where to find them no matter what state you're in
  • ​And how to increase your odds of getting approved
I pretty much had a treasure map for how to find free money.

And it was so simple I thought to myself…

“Why don’t I just give you the Treasure Map to FREE Money?

I figured if you had the lists of grants I had…

Instead of struggling to figure out where your money's hiding…

You could:
  • Pick out the grants you're eligible for
  • Send in your application right away
  • Get the money you need handed right to you!
Simple as that!

And you could finally feel secure in this crazy economy…

Without having to get an extra job…

... or pinch every last penny.

You’ve got enough on your plate…

You don’t need more work and effort!

And since…

These grants are paid for by YOUR TAX DOLLARS - you deserve to get the money back when you need it!

So I started exposing these government programs…

And blew the top off the free money that no one knew about!

I went on Oprah, Johnny Carson, David Letterman and more…

Where I’d tell people all about the free stuff they could get from the government.

I even wrote over 100 books...

Each stuffed with thousands of grants for nearly anything!
I sold over 4 MILLION copies...

And had two New York Times Best Seller's!

With my help, people were finding free money like never before...

And completely turning their lives around.
Like Kyle who went from bankruptcy and losing his home...
To being completely debt free and living the life of his dreams.
The results spoke for themselves...

People who had no idea there was money for them...

Were finally finding it...

And pulling themselves out of situations they had no reason to be in...

Because there was help for them all along.

And when you add up all my TV appearances, books, YouTube videos and more...

Over the last 40 years...
I've shown over 100 MILLION people where they could start getting FREE money!

But there was always something missing… 

Whether I gave out piles of grants in a book…

Talked about them on TV…

Or made video after video about them on YouTube…

You still had to dig through them yourself.
Which took plenty of time...

And it was possible you could miss out on a grant you were eligible for...

By either not seeing it...

Or not realizing it even applied to you.

Plus, some people would get confused with applications...

Or not know where to start...

And there was no one to ask for help.

I always figured...

It’d be easier if you could just tell me what you need - and I could tell you where to go

So instead of trying to blindly use the resources I gave you...

You could tell me:
  • What state you're in
  • What you need a grant for
And I could tell you what’s available for you, and where to find it!

Or if you were confused about something...

You could ask me and I could clear things up for you.

After all, I've dedicated my life to helping people get free money...

If anyone knows how to get around the government tricks and easily find the programs that can help you...'s me!

But unfortunately...

For a long time there was no way to ask for help…

Until one day I stumbled on an online group of people starting businesses. 

Complete strangers were sharing advice, tips and tricks.

Newcomers would ask questions…

And the more experienced people would guide them.

They saved each other the time and hassle of learning from scratch…

And helped them avoid the same mistakes they made when they first started.

And with this help...

Everyday people were building businesses in months, instead of years!!

It was working like nothing I'd ever seen before...

And that’s when it hit me! 

I thought… 

"Why don’t I set up the same sort of thing… but for grants!"

So I could help you one on one…

Answer any questions you have...

And tell you where to find what you're looking for...

So you could easily get the money you need...
Without feeling overwhelmed... or not knowing where to look!

What's more, you'd have a support system of people in the same spot as you...

So you could work together, and share advice as you go along.

And people who were once in your situation and found the money they needed…

Could tell you where to go and help you do the same! 

PLUS I could take all of my resources that I used to give out in books...

And give them to you directly at home.

You'd have everything you need to start getting your share of this FREE money!

You'd be able to fall back into your couch after a long day...

Kick your feet up...

Maybe even throw on a movie...

And during the downtime...

Ask for help, get answers...

And start applying for the money you're eligible for.

There'd be no mental gymnastics to try and figure out what to do..

So you could apply for grants...

And catch up on your favourite TV show...

At the same time!

It seemed like the perfect solution…

But of course, for me to offer personalized advice to people…

I couldn’t just make a public group...

Or there would be too many people for me to help at once.

So I took all of my best resources from the past 49 years and… 

I created a private online community & toolkit where you can get:

Personalized guidance (from me!) so you can go directly to the money that’s there for you instead of wasting time trying to find it - which means you could get more grants you're eligible for, and way quicker

Grants that are specific to your state, situation and needs so you don’t have to compete with swarms of people and have a better chance of getting the money

Custom resources that tell you where to go for what you need so you don’t have to dig through piles of irrelevant junk - which means you’ll only spend time applying for money you have a shot at getting

Up-to-date information so you’ll never miss out on a grant that you were eligible for but didn’t know about 

Support and advice from other people facing the same situation as you so you can stay optimistic and not lose hope before hitting the jackpot

It was the most comprehensive free-money resource ever made...

And I called this break-through free-money toolkit “Lesko Help”!

Because my name’s Lesko… and well, I’m here to help!

I made one video talking about my new community…

And you won’t believe what happened next…

It absolutely exploded! 

People we’re practically breaking down my door to try and get into it…

And once inside they were getting grants they'd never heard about earlier.
The custom resources I gave out helped people go straight to the source...

The personalized advice helped them overcome any roadblocks...

And the community of people helping each other made everyone feel hopeful…

So they weren't giving up before striking gold!

Optimism was at an all time high, but...

I knew I could help even more - so when I got a grant of my own, I had my craziest idea yet

During COVID, the government threw money at me because I'm a business owner.

But instead of blowing it on new stuff for myself…
I decided the people in Lesko Help could put it to better use.

So I started giving away my grant money…

All back to my group members.

Now I’m giving away $75,000 every single month…

...and I’ve given away over $1,050,000 total!

And the best part is, all you have to do to apply is...

Join Lesko Help and tell me what you'd do with $1,000...
And you could receive $500 - $1,000 to use for anything you need!
Now, I can't guarantee you'll get one of these grants from me.

But it's a nice bonus I'm able to offer.

And you can keep applying till you get it (as long as you're a member)

Now, that's the story of how I became America’s #1 FREE Money Expert…

How I created Lesko Help…

And how I’ve shown over 100 million people where to get FREE money from the government.

So now, let me tell you how I'm going to help you find your share of the $17,202 that's being given out per person this year...

All with Lesko Help!

Lesko Help Is Your ALL-IN-ONE Tool Kit & Support System for Getting FREE Money

So you can easily start finding the money you need to kick-start a whole new life today!

And inside…
✔ I’ll show you exactly where to find the grants you need and how to get approved for them!
✔ You’ll get a custom report I wrote for you that shows you where to go for over 500 personal grants in your state. Perfect if you need help with paying bills, debt, business, education, housing, healthcare, legal fees and more!
✔ AND you’ll get ANOTHER 400 custom reports that tell you exactly where the free money for any need is hiding at the local, state and federal level
✔ You’ll get all of my little-known resources and tips that have taken me over 40 years to learn and acquire - and you’ll have them in your hands in minutes
✔ AND you’ll get FREE access to Lesko Help 2 which is another community where you’ll get live training on how to search for grants so you can be certain you’re checking every single source available. 
But wait, there’s more!

Giving you guides and resources is one thing - but it can feel overwhelming to even know where to start with them. 

So you’ll also…
✔ Be able to ask Lesko (ME!) any questions you have so you don’t have to waste another second trying to figure out what to do. Instead you can tell me what you need money for, and I’ll tell you where to get it!
✔ Get access to 3 Q&A webinars every week where you can ask questions live and get immediate answers - so you can overcome any major roadblocks you’re having
✔ Get personal advice and assistance from experts so you won't feel confused or lost which means you’ll be able to keep going until you find the money that’s there for you
✔ Get support from other people who are in the same boat as you, and people who overcame the same situation you’re in so you can learn from them, work together and feel hopeful about the future
But wait, of course there’s STILL MORE!

No matter how many times I tell you there are grants out there just waiting to be claimed…

You might still have this nagging feeling that you won’t find anything right for you.
Which is why if you’re a Lesko Help Member, you’ll also…
✔ Be eligible for the “Lesko Help Grant Program” where you could receive anywhere from $500 - $1,000! 
I’m giving away $75,000 every single month...

And all you have to do to apply is join Lesko Help further down the page...

And once you're inside, tell me what you’d do with $1,000!
There are no guarantees that you'll win.

But you can keep applying until you do win (as long as you're still a member).

And this is just an extra way that I do to help members.

The real jackpot is the government money!
Just a heads up, I have a giveaway coming up on October 20th. Join now to guarantee you make it in time.
The sooner you apply the better. I wouldn't want you to forget, or miss it due to a technical glitch.

With Lesko Help you can finally find and apply for grants you never knew about before!

Just like Sydney Greene here who got money from 2 programs she thought she wasn’t eligible for.

Or Jon Graham who got $3,800 in a loan that’s forgivable!

Or Adan who got a grant that’ll cover 70% of his rent for 3 months.

Or Mark who got his $900 dental bills covered after just a few calls.

The list seems never-ending…

But don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s what Lesko Help members have to say about my service...

"If it hadn't been for me joining Lesko help I never would have known about this."
"Matthew Lesko is one of the most talented researches of our time..."
Mickey got a brand new HVAC system for FREE!
"I just got my first draw of PPP = $6,892"
"Thank you Mr. Lesko! Yesterday we moved into our FREE 40 ACRE RANCH!"
"They are sending the check made out to my landlord. Over $5,000. I am so grateful."
"This is the best private group ever!"
"Yesterday I received a deposit of $10,000... while I was waiting for the money, I received another [$5,000]!
By now you know just how tricky finding grants can be IF you don’t have help…

But you also know how much free money is waiting to be grabbed…

And how much easier it’s going to be for you to find yours thanks to Lesko Help.

And really, Lesko Help is like…

Having a team of financial advisors that are there to help you - and not suck money out of you

The truth is, most “grant experts” who sell a $2,000 course on finding grants…

Or sleazy financial advisors who demand huge upfront fees AND take a cut of any money you make…

Are only willing to help you because they can make money off of you.

But frankly, at 81 years old…

My main goal is NOT to make as much money as physically possible.

Otherwise I wouldn't be giving away $75,000 every month!

Other business owners have called me crazy for giving away this kind of money...

And for not charging $500, $1,000 OR EVEN $10,000 for the personal advice I offer in Lesko Help...

Because those CEO's had no problem writing a cheque for $10,000.

But what's important to me is helping you.

If I can live my day to day continuing to help people…

Pulling them up and putting them back on their feet…

Then I’m content.

Which is why… 

Although most people would charge you thousands of dollars…

For the custom reports

Personalized guidance…

Q&A Sessions and more…

That you get in Lesko Help.

Instead of taking that money from you…

I’m going to help you find piles of FREE money…

And it costs you as little as $8.30 a month.

For the price of a value meal at McDonalds these days (thanks inflation!)...

You can get unlimited personal advice and help...

To find thousands of grants...

And help you build the life you want.

To get started now, simply select an option below…

And you’ll then be taken to my secure and encrypted checkout page…

Where you’ll complete your order.

YES! I Want To Open The Door To FREE Money and An Easy Life With Lesko Help! 
(Give Me Instant Access Right Now!)

1 Month

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($19.95 Total)
Billed Monthly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

6 Months

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($59.90 Total)
Billed Semi-Annually | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee


12 Months

SAVE $139.98!


Per Month

($99.90 Total)
Billed Yearly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

Now you might be thinking - why only $8.30/month?

If I’m as big of an expert as I claim…

Why would I charge so little for personal advice?

Great question…

And the answer is simple.

These grants can really help people… 

But while big corporations can afford to hire someone to find them grants…

The average person who needs the money - can’t. 

This is my way of levelling the playing field.

I charge as little as I possibly can…

Literally just enough to keep this program running...

So people who really need support can get it…

Without wasting their hard earned money on it.

After all, what good is a $2,000 grant, if you paid someone $5,000 to help you get it!!!???

I know, even $8.30 can feel like a lot of money for some people

But once you see just how many grants you've been missing out on…

And how easy it can be to get a grant you're eligible for…

I think you'll realize that $8.30/month was a small price to pay…

And a tiny investment…

For the key to tons of free money that’s just waiting to be claimed.

But even with the hundreds of resources you’ll get access to…

The support from other people in the same spot as you…

The personalized guidance…

The free trainings…

The free weekly Q&A’s…


If you’re still worried you won’t find the money you need…

I’ll give you your money back if you’re not satisfied.

All thanks to…

The Lesko Help - Get Help Or Get A Refund Guarantee

While I’m absolutely positive that this is going to be the most comprehensive, easy-to-use tool kit for finding grants EVER…

Something that will transform your life and help create more opportunities for yourself and the people around you…

And help take away any of that financial stress you’re facing.

I also know that these days - seeing is believing.

Which is why you can join Lesko Help today…

Go through all of the resources, ask me questions directly, join the Q&A sessions…

And if Lesko Help is right for you, then perfect!
But if not, no worries, just email me and I’ll refund your entire investment. 

No questions asked.

This means there’s no risk to you at all…

And if you’re even a little bit curious about Lesko Help - you might as well make the $8.30 investment to come see if there’s some free money you can snag today.
That way you’ll be confident you didn’t leave any stone unturned on your search for financial support.

It's as simple as clicking below to add a Lesko Help bundle to your order...

And then once you complete your order on the next page...

I'll add you to the group right away...

And send over your custom resources...

So you could get started finding grants today!

1 Month

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($19.95 Total)
Billed Monthly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

6 Months

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($59.90 Total)
Billed Semi-Annually | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee


12 Months

SAVE $139.98!


Per Month

($99.90 Total)
Billed Yearly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

You’ve reached the end of the road here… and now the choice is yours!

You have two choices here...

Option A is to do nothing...

Which you could do...

But then nothing will change for you.

You'll continue to feel forced to put your hopes and dreams to the side...

While people around you seem to have everything figured out.

Or you can choose Option B...

AKA the easier route!

Join Lesko Help today…

And let me guide you to getting the financial aid you need...

So you can take a step towards living the life you dream of

Where you don’t have to constantly be worried about your next dollar…

Because you're taking advantage of the government programs that are there to help you!

The money's there to help people like you...

And if you get yours...

You'll finally be able to relax...

And spend your time focussed on what's important to you...

Instead of stressing over the next bill that's coming up.

Remember there’s an average of $17,202 being given out per person this year…

And the people that know where to find it - are the ones who get the money!

So join Lesko Help today, and I’ll help you get your share.

To get started now, simply select an option below…

And you’ll then be taken to my secure and encrypted checkout page…

Where you’ll complete your order.

1 Month

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($19.95 Total)
Billed Monthly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

6 Months

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($59.90 Total)
Billed Semi-Annually | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee


12 Months

SAVE $139.98!


Per Month

($99.90 Total)
Billed Yearly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

You really should hurry - I can’t let new people in forever

Of course the hardest part of giving out personalized advice is…

There’s only one of me…

And thousands of people who need help.

So at a certain point, when there are too many members…

I’m going to have to close the entry to Lesko Help…

Because I simply can’t offer meaningful and practical advice to hundreds of thousands of people asking at once.

So if you’re at all interested in finding free money…

Or you just want to ask me where you should look for support for people in your situation…

I highly suggest joining now.

Because if this page is still up, that means I haven’t closed the entry for the program… yet!

To get started now, simply click the button below…

And you’ll then be taken to my secure and encrypted checkout page…

Where you’ll complete your order.

1 Month

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($19.95 Total)
Billed Monthly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

6 Months

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($59.90 Total)
Billed Semi-Annually | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee


12 Months

SAVE $139.98!


Per Month

($99.90 Total)
Billed Yearly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who Can Benefit from Lesko Help?
Anyone and everyone!

There are grants out there for people who want to go back to school…

Start a business…

Pay their bills…

And so much more.

No matter who you are or what you want to do…

The government gives out money to help people like you!
2. Are Grants Only For Low Income People?
No way!

That’s one of the biggest misconceptions about grants EVER!

The government's definition of “low income” is actually $33,148…

And a lot of people fall under that amount.

Plus, there are still tons of grants out there that aren’t dependent on your income level.

For grants like starting a business, or getting training, or taking a course…

It often doesn't matter what your income level is.

After all, the government wants to help you make more money…

And contribute more to the economy!

So they have no problem giving you a boost to get you started.
3. Why Isn’t Lesko Help Free?
Unfortunately as much as I’d like to make it completely free…

What makes Lesko Help so powerful is the personal advice I offer…

And the community of people who help each other.

If there wasn’t a small fee to join, it would be total chaos inside.

People would be overwhelmed with information and discussions…

And I wouldn’t be able to offer meaningful advice to everyone.

So while more people would join, less people would actually get help.

Not a worthwhile trade off if you ask me.

So for that reason, I charge a very small fee.

BUT I intentionally make that fee as low as possible, so it’s within reach for everyone.

The cheapest option is $8.30/month, which is cheaper than a Netflix subscription...

And last I checked, Netflix isn't putting any money back in your pocket..
4. How Do I Know I’ll Be Able To Find Grants?
I can’t guarantee anything…

But with an average of $17,202 being handed out per person this year…

There’s certainly money out there to claim…

And I think that with Lesko Help...

You’ll have the best chance of knowing about it…

Finding it…

And getting approved!
5. How Do I Apply For The $75,000 Monthly Grant?
I give out $75,000 throughout every month.

These are all the giveaways I do:

4th of Every Month: $40,000 On The 4th To Solve Any Problem!
15th of Every Month: $15,000 On The 15th To Fix Your Car!
20th of Every Month: $20,000 On The 20th To Fix Your House!
30th of Every Month: Free Laptops On The 30th To Make Getting Grants Easy!

You can find the applications inside Lesko Help as soon as you join.

And they're all super short.

(take less then 3 minutes)

You just have to write me a few sentences letting me know why you need the money.

Then my team and I will review all the applications, and give out the money based on who we think could benefit the most from it.

I give out anywhere from $500 to $1,000 per person - and I'll send it directly to your bank, PayPal or in a cheque.

Whatever's easiest!

With multiple giveaways every month - there's always another giveaway around the corner.

And you can keep applying until you get the money (as long as you're still a member).

I suggest you join now so you don't miss the next one.
6. What If I Don't Need Money Right Now?
Well, lucky you!

But as we all know, especially with this pandemic situation we all recently dealt with...

Things can change in an instant, and you never know when you'll need help.

With Lesko Help, you'll know exactly what's available to you...

And if disaster were to hit, you'd be prepared for it.

Plus, even if you don't NEED money right now...

That doesn't mean there isn't money you can get.

And who ever said no to getting more money!
7. What Do I Need To Use Lesko Help?
All you need to use Lesko Help and easily find the free money that's there for you...

Is a device connected to the internet!

And if you're reading this page right now...

I’m going to guess you have internet and you’re good to go!

No need for any fancy devices - anything that can load a webpage will do.
8. How Do I Get Started?
That's the easy part!

Just click your payment plan below and complete the order form on the next page.

Once you do that, you’ll receive access to Lesko Help and Lesko Help 2…

Where you can immediately start asking me questions…

Going through the custom resources…

And getting support from people just like you.

Which means that in just a few minutes from now…

You could be applying for grants…

And be well on your way to getting yours!

Just click the button below right now and complete the order form on the next page.

1 Month

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($19.95 Total)
Billed Monthly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee

6 Months

SAVE $60.14!


Per Month

($59.90 Total)
Billed Semi-Annually | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee


12 Months

SAVE $139.98!


Per Month

($99.90 Total)
Billed Yearly | Cancel Anytime
Money-Back Guarantee
Copyright © 2024 - Matthew Lesko - 1851 Columbia RD NW #402 Kensington, MD 20895